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October 9, 2020

Picture Retakes

Picture retakes will be on Thursday, November 19, 2020.  More information will be send home with students  in the near future.School picture

October 2, 2020

October PTO Meeting

Please join us for the virtual PTO meeting on Monday, October 26th at 6:30 p.m.

August 28, 2020

Welcome to Crocker Information!

Hello from Crocker Elementary!  To those of you who we have previously served; we are so glad to have you back.  To those of you who are new to our school; we look forward to serving as your partner in education.  Each of us have had to work through so much uncertainty and difficult challenges to our daily lives these last five months.  We are committed to supporting and serving each and every one of you.

I can assure you that our staff are excited for a great start to the school year.  We will do everything within our power to make this “new normal” a positive experience for our entire Crocker learning community.  This is a task that none of us take lightly.

As we have prepared for this school year our focus has been on relationships, safety, routines, optimism, and hope.  My promise to all of you is that we will continue to do so.  We will not be perfect.  Challenges will arise.  Please give us grace and patience.  We will do the same for all of you.

As we prepare our students to begin a school year in these unprecedented times, below you will find several items of importance.

Hybrid Schedule and Calendar for August/September

The first day of school is August 27. Here is the hybrid calendar to begin the school year. The on site group schedule is as follows:

Group 1 – Monday, Thursday, and alternating Wednesdays

Group 2 – Tuesday, Friday, and alternating Wednesdays

Students will report directly to class when they arrive on their assigned day. Doors open at 7:40 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and 9:55 a.m. on Wednesday.

When students are not at school, their teacher will provide required asynchronous (learning that occurs at home away from the teacher) activities for students to complete independently.  The approximate amount of time your student will be expected to engage in asynchronous learning is below:

Kdg-2nd grade:

20-25 Reading

15-20 Writing

20-25 math

15-20 Science/SS or integrated

3rd-5th grade:

25-30 Reading

25-30 Writing

25-30 math

15-20 Science/SS or integrate

Your child’s teacher will communicate additional details this week.

Schedule for students participating in online remote learning

A daily routine for students in the required online remote learning environment is critical. For this reason, daily schedules for synchronous and asynchronous learning have been developed.  More details and information will be provided by your child’s assigned teacher.

Example of Elementary Daily Online Schedule

Safety Procedures

It will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to take the students temperature prior to coming to school.
Students will be required to wear masks while on the bus and in the building except when eating.
Students will also use hand sanitizer upon arrival and throughout the day.
Breakfast/lunch will be eaten in the cafeteria or in the classroom while maintaining 6 ft distance. Students will need to bring a water bottle.
Parents and visitors will not be allowed into the building except for necessary visits to the office.

Chromebook Distribution/Pick-Up 

For those families who have elected the remote learning option, a plan for families to pick-up student Chromebooks is being developed. This plan will be communicated to families in the upcoming days. Students engaged in our Hybrid learning model will be issued their Chromebook within the first several weeks of school during the school day.

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

In order to promote social distancing, we will have separate entrance/exit doors for each of our grade levels.  You can see the entrance/exit points here Crocker Enter/Exit Map.

Arrival: School doors will open at 7:40 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  School doors will open at 9:55 a.m. on Wednesday.  Students will enter their designated entrance door and go directly to their classroom.  Teachers will be outside the first week of school to greet all of our students at a designated spot near their entrance.  Teachers will have signs to let you know who they are.  We will also have additional staff at both the front and back entrance points to support our students.

We have a designated morning student drop off zone.  This drop off zone will be in effect from 7:40-7:55 a.m. and will be clearly identified by a yellow line on the sidewalk.  We ask that everyone drive as far as you can in the drop off zone, and once you are stopped, have your children exit on the curbside of your vehicle.  Waiting to drop your child off directly at the front entrance door will simply not work in order to get everyone in the building in a timely and safe manner.

Please do not drive ahead of others that are waiting in line.  Drivers will not be permitted to cut through the parking lot to get to the front of the line.  This will cause a safety and traffic flow problem for everyone involved. If you are parking to walk your child to their entrance point, please make sure that you utilize a designated spot.  You are encouraged to walk/bike to school whenever possible.

Dismissal: If parents are meeting students after school this needs to occur at the designated grade level pickup spots.  Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, and 5th Grade on the playground blacktop.  1st Grade at the front of the building.  3rd and 4th Grade near the gym entrance doors.  Parents will not be allowed to “congregate” in the vehicle pick-up zone in front of the building.  If students are walking/biking they should leave school grounds immediately after dismissal.  If walking with a sibling students will need to meet on the playground blacktop and leave from there.


Each grade level will have individual recess times throughout the course of the day.  We will utilize recess zones on the playground to keep individual classrooms separated during recess.

We will utilize social distancing for students during lunch. This will include when they are eating in the cafeteria, a classroom, the gymnasium, or outside.

We look forward to seeing everyone soon.


Dr. Tom Muhlenbruck

Crocker Elementary Principal

August 4, 2020

Hybrid Learning Model

The final Hybrid Learning model schedule for the 2020-2021 school year has been selected. See the attached schedule, which is the Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays.
The survey results were:

Model 1 (Alternating Days): 35.15%
Model 2 (Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays): 64.85%

Hybrid Learning Model

The final results of the survey were:

  • Model 1 (Alternating Days): 35.15%
  • Model 2 (Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays): 64.85%
June 9, 2020

Crocker Elementary is on Twitter

We’re on Twitter!

Follow us @AnkenyCrocker for updates on all of the happenings at Crocker Elementary!

June 8, 2020

Kindergarten Powerpoint

Welcome to Kindergarten at Crocker Elementary.  Please see the attached power point for more information.

Kindergarten Registration